Monday, July 14, 2008

Panic attacks and phobias

Hey. I'm wondering if you think that we can mentally make things happen. For example, i believe i have a phobia or many phobias and i often over think things and exaggerate as well as freak out for lack of better words. When i'm driving i feel claustrophobic, and so i begin to think of bad things that may happen to me and i start to breathe really heavy and stuff. It doesn't happen all the time but too often. What do you think is the problem here or what do u recommend?

Monday, May 26, 2008

Casual Sex Vs Respect

I am asking a question but dont know how to start the question,hope im doing this right.
My question is..Men can have sex and not involve emotions or have multiple sex partners proudly boasting and be societally accepted(relatively speaking) .However Women cannot get away with this. Im asking you this personally.If you sleep with a guy and only desire casual sex (safe & blah blah blah) would respect still exist?

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

In Need of Self Confidence(Anonymous)

I am very fat, what you consider overweight. I am in my early thirties and feel as though I missing the boat. I feel very unatractive and down and out. What should I Do to boost my self confidence.

Monday, April 7, 2008

To Settle Down or Not Settle Down?(Anonymous)

Hi am asking this question based on an email I received. In the article the author, a female, is advocating women to settle. Basically she is saying it is better to settle than to be alone and lonely. I disagree. Alone aint lonely and its possible to be in a relationship and be lonely. Am past 30 and I know that that fairy tale knight in shining armour aint happening but am still not willing to settle for the frog. TD Jakes said it "just because no one has come along to love you on your level, doesn't mean you have to sink to theirs". Tell me, should women settle?

Saturday, April 5, 2008

So how many women have you slept with?

There you are out on a date with your new flame, and in the middle of the conversation he or she asks you, so how many persons have you slept with?

Back in the old days, women, when they got involved in a relationship, loved to pretend that they had never slept with anyone except their present partner. The men on the other hand usually engaged in "chest beating" and would proudly proclaim the large number of notches that existed along the length of their "Gun belt". However they had now reached a stage in life, where as men, they felt rather fulfilled by having sex with just one woman.

In a recent research, Norman Brown of the University of Alberta concluded that men reported two to four times as many lifetime opposite sex sexual partners as woman. I think poor Norman was duped.

Allow me to introduce the "The Factor of Two" . This theory, which I would love to claim, but came along and found, states this: Whenever a man gives you a figure of the number of women that he has slept with you should divide it by 2, for e.g He says he slept with 10 women, more than likely he slept with 5. This adjustment reflect the tendency of most men to over exaggerate their sexual expeditions so as to impress the "Boys" about their accomplishments, as well as to claim the much sought after image of a "Ladies Man"

Women on the other hand try to be as conservative as possible, a reflection of societal expectations that are seen as desirable for woman, but not for men. Hence when a lady is asked "so how many guys have you slept with, chances are that you should multiply that figure by 2. for e.g if she says 5, then more than likely she slept with 10.

So when you are asked the how many question, be aware of the "Factor of two " theory before you answer.

Psychology and Religion-(Anonymous)

Does psychology and religion mix? Not in terms of pastoral counselling.Im talking generally

The Psychology student and the Shady partner- (Anonymous)

What happens in a relationship when one persons studies psychology and can pick up on lies,non-verbal cues etc that the other is cheating/acting shady but decides to tell dumb nonsensical shit anyway? psychology can make u more tuned into other people's bullshit but it doesnt solve anything now does it?